Operational Services
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Servicing your operational needs
We offer a range of operational services that cater the needs of telecommunication providers.

Assisted Operations
S4-Global can manage rapid technology and business changes without disrupting your business with immediate access to operational experts and engineers to manage your network from your Network Operations Center (NOC). From full NOC capability with people, tools, and equipment, to specific resources with specific product and operational expertise that supplements your own NOC team, S4-Global can assist you in the operation of your network to match your business needs.
Managed Network Services
Operators can focus on strategic initiatives of the business while S4-Global experts provide centralized multi-vendor network monitoring and reporting around the clock, just after business hours to support existing staff, or just for disaster recovery. Choose from simple network monitoring and reporting, to event management, performance and capacity monitoring as well as analysis and solutions to fix the business critical issues.

Outsourcing Services
Change your business model while improving customer satisfaction by leveraging S4-Global’s Outsourcing Services to completely manage your network including field operations, network operations, and management of spares, software and configuration, sites, vendors, quality and network planning and engineering.
Service Management of Hosted Services
Accelerate your time to market with new applications and services while reducing operational risks and capital expenditures. S4-Global’s Quality of Service Management for Hosted Services deliver complete QoS monitoring, reporting, analysis for all value-added services capabilities from a secure S4-Global or customer data center. Competitive pricing is offered in a convenient, utility-based pricing model.

Performance Portal and Analysis Services
Improve the operations and engineering of your network with web-based network capacity, performance reporting and trending. Using a web interface, users can access reports, tools and raw data. Summary and event notification e-mails are also provided.